Effective Use of First-Party Data Without Comprimizing Privacy

Amid the complexities of digital marketing, businesses are increasingly challenged to leverage first-party data effectively while upholding robust privacy protections. This issue arises from several factors. Consumer trust is at an all-time low, with individuals becoming increasingly aware and concerned about how their data is used. Stringent data privacy regulations, such as the General Data […]

Data Collaboration Presentation, by digitalAudience

On May 23, 2024, digitalAudience hosted an insightful breakfast event in Amsterdam, bringing together industry leaders to explore the future of digital advertising. One of the key topics discussed was the transformative potential of data collaboration. In today’s competitive landscape, data collaboration enables advertisers and publishers to combine their data assets securely, creating richer and […]

Google Presentation Summary

On May 23, 2024, digitalAudience hosted an insightful breakfast event in Amsterdam, bringing together industry leaders to discuss the future of digital advertising. This article consolidates key resources from Google, providing valuable insights into advertising performance and privacy. Download summary

Identity Solutions Presentation, by Roqad

On May 23, 2024, digitalAudience hosted an insightful breakfast event in Amsterdam, bringing together industry leaders to explore the future of digital advertising. During the event, Roqad held a presentation about the identity solutions in digital marketing. In an era where privacy regulations are becoming increasingly stringent, effective identity solutions are crucial for advertisers and […]

Data-Cleanrooms: Wat zijn het en hoe zet je ze effectief in?

Het landschap van digitale marketing is flink veranderd. Firefox en Safari ondersteunen geen cookies van derden meer, Chrome is ze aan het uitfaseren en de ePrivacy Richtlijn en GDPR vereisen dat uitgevers en adverteerders toestemming van consumenten krijgen om hun data te verzamelen en te gebruiken. En dat zorgt voor de nodige uitdagingen op het […]

Online marketing gids voor data collaboration

Data collaboration is het middel om de uitdagingen van een gedecentraliseerd digitaal marketinglandschap het hoofd te bieden   In deze whitepaper onderzoeken we de impact van privacywetgeving en het uitfaseren van de third party cookie. Vervolgens beantwoorden we de vraag hoe data collaboration kan helpen bij het maximaliseren van marketing performance binnen deze nieuwe context. Voorkom dat […]

The Digital Marketer’s Guide to Data Collaboration

Discover how data collaboration can help you overcome the challenges of a decentralized digital marketing data landscape.   In our whitepaper, we explore the impact of privacy regulations and the phasing out of third-party cookies, and how data collaboration can help marketers maximize digital advertising performance. Don’t miss out on opportunities to reach and engage your […]

How to super-charge digital advertising by using your data in a smarter way: 6 use cases

Struggling to turn data into actionable insights that drive ROI for your advertising campaigns?  Download digitalAudience whitepaper today to learn more about the challenges marketers face with data and the advantages of data collaboration for advertisers. Discover how digitalAudience can help you extract value from your data and achieve digital marketing success with 6 presented […]

Why a cookieless environment isn’t that bad

The publisher’s guide to identity resolution Understanding your target audience is the key to selling a product, story, or idea. However, the upcoming ‘cookieless’ environment means a decrease in options for publishers to identify their audience. And with so many content channels and publishers, it will become harder to stand out from the crowd and reach […]